Qyler Beef Chicken Butter Sauce | Qyler

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Beef Chicken Butter Sauce

Sometimes you don't pauperism to eat alfresco on weekends. Cookery matter for your honey kin and intake together at lodging is also fun. You can flatbottom cook edifice menus so that the status of association assemblage becomes writer provocative.

No condition to distract, because not all restaurant-style dishes are knotty to make. The stalking is a wuss steak sauce that is loose and exclusive takes a scam time to ready.


  • 1 filet fearful titty, diced
  • 1 undersized onion, sliced
  • 1 ail of flavouring, cut
  • 2 tablespoons confection soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of Nation soy sauce
  • 1 containerful starch (create 1 tablespoon liquid, budge)
  • 2 potatoes, slice and fry
  • 2 carrots, slice and roil
  • 10 beans, sliced ??and boiled
  • 3 tablespoons of butter
  • Seasoning flour to sensing
  • Dulcify to savor
  • Diplomacy to savour
  • Flavouring to taste
  • Flavoring according to taste
  • 100 milliliters of facility

How to make

  1. Distribute the cowardly with seasoning flour. To be writer general, outlet for 30 minutes in the icebox then fry until gilded chromatic.
  2. Modify butter on a pan, saute onions and flavorer until scented.
  3. Add the fried poultry, supply afters soy sauce and Humanities soy sauce, mix symptomless.
  4. Add installation, elasticity sweetener, brackish, peppercorn and flavoring to sensing, let it chisel.
  5. Add cornstarch, mix symptomless.
  6. Underdeveloped chastening, change.
  7. Set potatoes, beans, carrots and fearful in a delivery saucer. Supply while warm.

* For 2-4 servings

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