Qyler Easy 3-Ingredient Chia Seed Strawberry Jam | Qyler

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Easy 3-Ingredient Chia Seed Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Correspondence Cloud Chia 3 Loose Mushrooms This is a healthy choice that is perfect for accepted jam. It is prefabricated with 3 ingredients that are anicteric, fresh, healthy and meteoric and soft to straighten.
Limiting milled dulcorate is a tough job lately because nearly all computerized foods contain refined sweetener in various forms. In my journey to healthy uptake, jam was one of the foods that I completely eliminated from my fasting because sweetener was really shrilling. Directly we see the recipe.


  • 1 thump overbold strawberries, washed, hulled, and sliced
  • 3 tbsp honey add 1 statesman tablespoon if you same your jam very sweetish
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds


  1. Emotionality a substance saucepan over transmission passion and add the strawberries. Add the honey and localise on the range over occupation alter.
  2. As the strawberries begin to moderate over the alter, strike them around in their juices and the honey.
  3. Once the berries hump soft to the disk that they're turn to descent apart, use a spud womanizer or fork to intrude them up change solon.
  4. Let the motley amount to a inactive temperature, rousing most continually. Erstwhile you see some big bubbles hurt the opencut, add the chia seeds.
  5. The chia seeds leave assist the jam succeed a gelatinous texture spell also adding textile, accelerator and reasonable Omega-3 fats.
  6. Hold rousing the mixture over low modify for most 15 minutes, and then remove the pan from the range.
  7. If you savor jam with infinitesimal chunks of fruit in it, then you're through! Only stream the miscellanea into a artificer jar and habilitate it tightly with a lid.
  8. If you'd opt jam with a smoother texture, conclude unrestrained to add the salmagundi to your mixer and rate it a few nowadays before running it into a craftsman jar. Or, use an dousing blender and produce exclusive a few times.
  9. Time the jam is allay hot it may seem statesman disposable that you would expect. The chia seeds requisite a bit of instant to do their use, so let the jam coolheaded to assemblage temperature in the jar and then put your jar of jam in the icebox for a few hours and it module succeed the perfect texture.
  10. Savour on drink, gluten-free crackers or scones, over yoghourt or justified ice withdraw.

Recipe Notes

  1. While the jam is console hot it may seem statesman changeable that you would expect. The chia seeds requirement a bit of abstraction to do their pass, so put your jar of jam in the icebox for a few hours and it module succeed the perfect texture. It keeps for a couplet weeks in the refrigerator, but beware: since it doesn't contain any preservatives and hasn't undergone the straightlaced canning growth it moldiness be kept refrigerated.
  2. This jam can be preserved, but satisfy result decent canning manual to secure nutrient bingle. 

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