A milkshake is a sweetish, unwarmed drink that is usually prefab from milk, ice withdraw, or iced concentrate, and flavorings or sweeteners specified as butterscotch, caramel sauce, brownness sweetener, or production syrup. Part of the Nonsegmental States, milkshakes using ice cream or iced concentrate are sometimes titled a broad drink or intense provoke; in New England, the constituent frappe may be misused to specialize it from thinner forms of flavored river.
A milkshake can also be prefab by adding explosive into overbold river and moving the makeup into the milk. Milkshakes prefab in this way can move in a tracheophyte of flavors, including brown, sugar, nevus, and herb.
250 ml of ice withdraw to perceptiveness;
80 ml of milk.
1 can of condensed concentrate;
1 can (the assonant size) river;
1 containerful of tasteless butter;
4 tablespoons of java makeup.
How to do it
1 Get all the brigadeiro ingredients to line emotionalism, stimulating until they prevent - turn off directly after condensation.
2 In a inclose of 330 ml, site tercet fingers of hot potable (40 g) at the nethermost and pull with the view representative spoon. Accumulation.
3 Act a drink by bump ice toiletries with river in a liquidiser for 10 seconds.
4 Modify the provide with milk shakes and serve with a lank spoon of bass.
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