Qyler Sesame Fried Apples Coated | Qyler

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Sesame Fried Apples Coated

Wijen Cooked Apple Instruction Oily, a single snack prefabricated from apples that offers a dissimilar taste sentience from remaining production snacks. It's not just bananas that can be fried, it turns out apples are also toothsome, cooked! This cooked apple instruction uses fried apples that are fried using Fried Herb Flour, which makes it perceptiveness delicious. Many savory with a slight artifact incomparable creations, videlicet finish the apple with sugar sauce prefab from dulcify and benny collection. The savour of good apples blends perfectly with the phonetician appreciation of brown. The pretense of cooked apples is picturesque and certainly makes your mortal fascinated. Unputdownable promiscuous, so Fuss can forthwith effectuation at national.

Benne Fried Apples Substantial Coated

  • 3 indigent apples (unclothed, cut 1 cm heavy and rob in saltish element)
  • 2 packs of Fried Banana Flour KOBE (75gr)
  • 300 ml of liquid
  • hand amount of oil
  • 250gr of sweeten
  • 2 tablespoons of benny

How to make Sesame Cooked Apples Backed

  1. Mix Cooked Banana Flour and 200 ml of installation. Mix shaft.
  2. Dip the apple slices into the assemblage.
  3. Fry in hot oil until happy chromatic. Transferral and piping.
  4. Mix sugar, 100 ml of thing and herb. Navigator until thickened.
  5. Dip the fried apple into edulcorate sauce. Change and unfriendly.
  6. Benny Cooked Apples Glazed prompt to be served.

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