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Lapis Rice Flour Cake

Lapisr cake is one of the traditional Indonesian cakes that many people like because it is famous for its delicacy and distinctive taste. This layer cake has a chewy texture which usually has interesting and different colors arranged in layers. This cake is made with a mixture of ingredients, with the main ingredient being rice flour.
Rice flour cake is suitable to be served in various events or for snacks in the afternoon. The delicious and sweetness of this cake will always spoil your tongue and family. Here are the recipes and how to make rice flour layer cake that you can see. 
Material Needed to Make the Tasty, Delicious, Sweet and Chewy Rice Flour Cake

  • 185 grams of rice flour
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 7 drops of green coloring
  • 800 ml of coconut milk taken from 1/2 coconut
  • 1/8 teaspoon of vanilla powder

How to make the most delicious, delicious, sweet and chewy rice flour cake
How to make Rice Flour Lapis Cake Dough

  1. Prepare a container that will be used to make the mixture. Then input ingredients such as rice flour, salt, sugar and vanilla powder. Stir until evenly mixed the ingredients.
  2. Take the coconut milk that you have prepared. Then pour coconut milk little by little into the mixture while stirring until evenly distributed and slippery mixture.
  3. If the mixture is finished, please divide the mixture into two parts. Add green food coloring to one of the dough. Then stir until evenly distributed. As for the other dough left white.
  4. If you've set aside the mixture first.

How to make rice flour cake

  1. Prepare a baking sheet that will be used for steaming the layer cake this time. Then rub the baking dish with oil and apply it with a plastic mat. After that, heat the baking dish in the steam you have prepared. Wait until the baking sheet is really hot.
  2. After heat, pour a small amount of white mixture into the pan. Steam the mixture for about 5 minutes or until the texture of the dough becomes hardened.
  3. If it's like that, pour the mixture back. But the second mixture that was poured this time was green dough. Pour this green mixture over the white mixture. Steam until the texture is hard.
  4. If the green mixture has hardened, add the white mixture again. Steam again until it hardens. Do the same steps and repeat with the interval alternately until the dough runs out.
  5. After the mixture has run out, so that the layer cake you made is really cooked, you have to steam it for about 10 minutes.
  6. Then after the cake is cooked, turn off the stove and lift it. Let stand for a while until the cake is cold. After cold cut into size and shape according to your taste.
  7. Finally, you can directly serve it on the plate or place of food that you have prepared beforehand.


Suggestion for serving Rice Flour Lapis Cake
  1. After the cooked layer cake, please cut it up. You can cut it according to taste or according to your needs.
  2. Prepare a serving place or serving plate that will be used to serve this layer cake. Take a few pieces of layer cake and serve at the place of service that you have prepared. If you make this layer cake as a snack to entertain guests or special people, so that it looks more attractive you can arrange it neatly on a serving plate.
  3. This rice flour layer cake has a sweet taste. Which is to add to his enjoyment, when eating this cake you can accompany him with warm tea. Because the layer cake has a sweet taste, it is recommended to choose warm fresh tea as a friend.
  4. If you like, you can serve this layer cake in cold conditions.

Tips for Making Rice Flour Cake

  1. Layer cakes can actually be distinguished from the color. Although this cake looks simple but in making it necessary tricks to get the perfect cake. Here are tips and tricks for making rice flour cake:
  2. Layer cake made from rice flour, starch or a combination of the two ingredients. However, to get a different layer of cake than you can usually combine the two with other ingredients such as cassava or sweet potatoes.
  3. In making a layer cake batter several things you need to pay attention to. When making dough some of them have to be sliced ​​or kneaded to produce a soft mixture. When you pour the liquid mixture, you should pour it little by little into the mixture. This is done so that the dough you make does not crumble and produces a slippery mixture. After making the dough is finished, you can divide the dough into several pieces to give color according to taste. You can also add food flavorings, be it pandanus, chocolate, milk and so on. Different colors of this dough will make the layers of this layer cake look clearer.
  4. This layer of traditional cake is made a lot. Which for each layer is made thin. However, you can also make a thick layer according to your taste. It's just not to make thick and not too large layers. Just two layers or just the bottom and the top are thick.
  5. For steaming or baking a layer cake you can use a loaf pan, a box-shaped pan that has a large size or cucing-cucing. So that the mixture is not tight when poured into the baking pan it is better to apply enough cooking oil or margarine until evenly distributed on the baking sheet. Or you can use a baking sheet using plastic or banana leaves.
  6. When steaming layer cakes, you should use a steamed pan that has a small hole. But it would be even better if you choose a steamed pan that has a glass lid.
  7. In making layer by layer layer cake, you must pay attention to the maturity of the first layer before pouring the next mixture.
  8. For the last layer, steam for a long time so that the resulting cake is perfectly cooked.
  9. To create a more special and special taste, you can add other ingredients according to your taste in each layer such as jackfruit, almonds, walnuts or other fruits.

Good luck at home and don't forget to share or share this recipe with your friends.

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