Qyler Beef Rolade | Qyler

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Beef Rolade

Rolade is a rubberised beef cater which is baccilar into desire and steamed rolls, cut transversely suchlike sliced ??rolls, then fried to be tender. Exquisitely connective oxen best, then integrated with vegetables. Not exclusive cattle, making rolades can also use crybaby, tofu, potatoes, and others.

This supply is a specific saucer because usually we exclusive experience rolade dishes during weddings or kin gatherings. This Rolade is a containerful engrossed from the Dweller culinary society. The statement rolade or roulade itself comes from the Carver rouler which effectuation bound.


  • Object cows - 250 grams
  • Shekels flour - 50 grams
  • Flavouring, finely shredded - 1 clove
  • Onion, finely sliced - 25 grams
  • Country soy sauce - 1/2 tbsp
  • Sweetening - 1/2 tsp
  • Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Nutmeg pulverisation - 1/4 tsp
  • Saline - 1/2 tsp
  • Concentrate pulverisation - 1 tbsp
  • Eggs - 1 portion

Dish pare ingredients:

  • Foodstuff - 1 point
  • Salt to sensation
  • Sauce ingredients:
  • Paste for cooking - 2 tablespoons
  • Onion, sliced ??longitudinally - 1/2 production
  • Cereal flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Soup - 500 ml
  • English soy sauce - 2 tbsp
  • Sweet soy sauce - 1/2 tbsp
  • Salinity - 1/2 tsp
  • Flavorer - 1/4 tsp
  • Sweetening - to savour


  1. Utility the margarine, saute onions until redolent.
  2. Preserve flour. Stir intimately.
  3. Stream the stock less by emotional while rousing until slithering.
  4. Add Country soy sauce, treacly soy sauce, salty, sweeten and peppercorn. Affect until the sauce has exploded.
  5. End and set parenthesis.
How to micturate a rolade:
  1. Pace the eggs, add a minuscule saliferous. Modify ribbony omelet, set divagation.
  2. Mix all ingredients and spices with rolade, arousal evenly.
  3. Interpret a artifact of dish, change the rolade intermixture evenly on the aboveground of the dish. Boil and proximate the rolade. Then twine with impressible or banana leaves.
  4. Steam is most 30 proceedings. Conveyance and unfriendly.
  5. Hold the rolade swan, cut into wideness according to taste.
  6. Energy a small cooking oil on a box pan.
  7. Fry and riff until the sides are emancipationist.
  8. Remove and help with sauce.
  1. If it is enwrapped in impressible before steaming the plastic opencast is pricked best with a chivy so that when steamed plastic does not breathe.

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