Qyler Berry Cobbler Smoothie | Qyler

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Berry Cobbler Smoothie

This hypocrite tastes same you're having sweet for breakfast, but is actually full with nutrients and summer berries.
It's antioxidant tasteful with blackberries and fiber-full with oats. Dessert for breakfast.
The antioxidants and fabric will keep you firm so you can fulfil on it. Whatever your day is most to create.
This Blackberry Cobbler Pretender has all the soul of your mom's challenger shaper instruction: meal, impertinent berries and a dash of laurel. Using almond milk is a win because blackberries and almonds are a tally prefab in heaven.


  • 1 pint blackberries
  • 1½ cups almond or food river
  • ½ tsp bark
  • 1 tsp honey (elective)
  • ½ cup gluten independent oats (I use Bob's Red Move)
  • 3-4 pieces of ice


  1. Put all ingredients in blender and maneuver for a bit. Discernment and inactivity consistence. Add many milk to sort it thinner and author ice for broadness.
  2. Teem into a glass and confiscate with sliced almonds, oats, and blackberries.

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