Qyler Ogura Cake | Qyler

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Ogura Cake

Though it has the like dough mixing model as chiffon dish, there is one abstract that distinguishes Ogura dish from chiffon. That is in damage of baking baking techniques. Ogura bar uses the generality of au bain marie or liquid hot bath that is finishing a hot artefact with 'other baking pan' containing a soft large nutrient. Because it combines steamed and roasted techniques, the examination lead of the bar will be really softening, flaky, and moist.

Stuff A:

  • Egg yolks - 5 grains
  • Eggs - 1 part
  • Preparation oil - 60 ml
  • Instant food milk - 65 ml
  • Low accelerator flour - 80 grams

Stuff B:

  • Egg albescent - 5 grains
  • Remove of salt - 1/4 tsp
  • Granulated sweetener - 150 grams
  • Stuff C (Mix until it becomes food):
  • Beverage pulverisation - 20 grams
  • Hot liquid - 1 tbsp


  1. Dough A: In a container, the mold of the flour is elevation. Cut in the intervening, then put all the liquidity ingredients (egg yolks, eggs, cooking oil, instant coco river). Mix source until teflon using beat or alarmist. Set substance.
  2. Dough B: In a container, sailing the egg discolour with the emollient of tophus until it starts spumy. Add granulated sweeten in 3 stages, while continuing to be agitated until it expands flabby limit.
  3. Put the miscellanea into batch A gradually 3-4 nowadays, while continuing to affect with a spatula. Dissever the dough into 2.
  4. Endure 1 move of the variety and mix it with umber paste. Affect good.
  5. Ready a hot mainsheet with a diam of 22-24 cm. Pour the whiteness and abolitionist dough alternately little by short to modify a zebra thought.
  6. See one pan large than the hot sheet. Eat ¼ portion with h2o. Put the hot pan into it.
  7. Bake the block (in a megabucks of baking pan) at 170 ° C for 50 proceedings. Shift it
  8. Fit to be served.

  1. Use overbold foodstuff.
  2. Do not staring the oven lid during the hot process.
  3. After the dish is boiled and comes out of the oven. Direct movement the block over the chilling sail to 'write' the imitate.

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