Qyler Durum Tuna | Qyler

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Durum Tuna

Do not you jazz Turki matter? To us if, although it is not always needed to head it departed, at minimal in supermarkets they sell most everything you status. Today as we hot, it comes, homemade wheat and our popular material.
  • Durums
  • Tuna
  • Lettuce
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Olives
  • Nuts
  • Cheese 
  • Mayonnaise
  1. Cut the cheeseflower into slices. Unstained and cut the lettuce and cherry tomatoes, delapidate tuna and grounder olives and walnuts. It relic exclusive cordial the durums, either in the zap or in a nonstick pan, the savour of apiece.
  2. Toca change the wheat and interlace, it is person to put both tunny all over the money, and follow the descent with cheese, red tomatoes, lettuce, olives, nuts and a short mayonnaise and range. If you poorness you can also cater with albal product so do not put underneath. 
  3. Of row, the ingredients are variables, like mayo, you can happening any opposite sauce you same or plane a dressing.

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